When you measure you must get it right. And remember that factories want measuring as per the final product, not as you cut the fabric. Below you find our own way of measuring. If you just send as per the numbers below to another manufacturer you must also send the link to this web page.As the info is difficult to make into one web page we have instead made it into a pdf-fil that you download. Please open the same. It have 5 pages (700 Kb). To save to your computer or phone right-click and select “Save target as” or as its described.
When you measure you must get it right. And remember that factories want measuring as per the final product, not as you cut the fabric. Below you find our own way of measuring. If you just send as per the numbers below to another manufacturer you must also send the link to this web page.As the info is difficult to make into one web page we have instead made it into a pdf-fil that you download. Please open the same. It have 5 pages (700 Kb). To save to your computer or phone right-click and select “Save target as” or as its described.