Name th colours in the correct way!!! Colour names are important. And you give the codes. Because for an example “red” could be hundred of varianmts, if not more. Also understund that there is more than one “black”, so its complex. Fabric will have colour or colours. Patterns, printing, embroidery, accessories all will have colours that needs to be given the right name or code. As the info is difficult to make into one web page we have instead made it into a pdf-fil that you download. Please open the same. It have 63 pages (1.4 Mb). To save to your computer or phone right-click and select “Save target as” or as its described. (However the links inside the document does not work.)We also have a link to another web page that has a good system for you to get the Pantone PMS codes. You click on the left on that page for main colour and then click on image-colour-area and nearby Pantone PMS colour codes will be shown. Extern Colour Code Page.
Name th colours in the correct way!!! Colour names are important. And you give the codes. Because for an example “red” could be hundred of varianmts, if not more. Also understund that there is more than one “black”, so its complex. Fabric will have colour or colours. Patterns, printing, embroidery, accessories all will have colours that needs to be given the right name or code. As the info is difficult to make into one web page we have instead made it into a pdf-fil that you download. Please open the same. It have 63 pages (1.4 Mb). To save to your computer or phone right-click and select “Save target as” or as its described. (However the links inside the document does not work.)We also have a link to another web page that has a good system for you to get the Pantone PMS codes. You click on the left on that page for main colour and then click on image-colour-area and nearby Pantone PMS colour codes will be shown. Extern Colour Code Page.