About Samples
When you need samples
Normally a factory first make a simple sample – not from the right fabric
and not for you just to see if the pattern is right and understand what
issues to handle. We call them G0-samples.
Then a sample, perhaps without all details such as printing etc, is made.
Normally to show the buyer and get the comments from the buyer. We
call it G1-sample.
Finally, when production starts few production samples are made, called
G2 or PP (Pre Production) samples. In some cases it’s only the PP sample
that is 100% correct as when producing the G1-sample all material may
not yet be in-house.
Samples requested are normally free if you first have placed an order
and made a down payment subject to minimum quantities or paid a
special fee for the same. You can use these samples to approve or alter
the garments before the final production.
Samples requested before placing an order are normally charged for.
Sometimes in these cases the requested fabric, that will be used in
production, may not be available for sampling as the fabric could be
subject to minimum purchase, etc. Remember that producing samples in
some cases can be relatively costly if its needed to develop originals for
printing/embroidery, if its needed to purchase special fabric and extras,
You can also send samples, your samples, known as C-samples. They can be
exact as you want the garment or just indication or similar to what you want.
This your samples enables us and the manufacturer to understand better what
you want. However always remember: If not agreed differently in writing we will
not pay for your samples and your samples will NOT be sent back to you. They
are used to understand details, make tests, give samples to sub suppliers etc., so
they may also be cuts in them after some time. Send all your samples by courier
or registered post to make sure they are not lost during the transport.
© CrownBird 2019